Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Not 1 but 2!

Sometimes the challenge in keeping this blog up to date is that living interferes. Sometimes, though, the challenge is that Drake and I do so much it is hard to tell which parts to write about. Since yesterday, for example, we've had two long and three short walks, and both long walks and one of the short ones had doggy adventures included. In between, Drake was ultra-loving, and insisted on curling up in our laps. Admittedly, that last doesn't sound that exciting to outsiders, but there's something very moving and attention grabbing about him doing it. Remember he's a pit bull, and quite stocky—and remember that my lap is sometimes propped in front of a computer screen. All of a sudden I've got a pit bull in my lap, nuzzled against my neck and ready to stay for a long time. That's a kind of excitement.

However, it's a very different kind of excitement from this morning's. We had headed over to the lake, following our normal route. We'd crossed the one busy street, and were, in general, having a lovely but basic morning: crisp fall air, leaves changing colors and falling, etc. Then, all of a sudden, we heard it.

Both Drake and I looked around. The flapping sound continued. It was big, and it was getting closer.

Suddenly, not one, but two bald eagles emerged from behind the tree tops. They were circling, and coming down low as they did. For whatever reason, they decided to buzz the street we were on. They flew side by side, maybe 12-14 foot off the ground. When they passed overhead, their wings were spread immensely wide, so they were gliding silently. And friggin' ominously.

Now, Drake chases all kinds of things: Squirrels. Deer. Motorcycles. Trash trucks. What Drake does not chase, apparently, is bald eagles. He froze where he was. His only motion was a swiveling head. Look at the huge birds. Look at me, with a "What the heck is THAT!" expression. Look at the birds. Repeat look at me.

One of the eagles landed for a moment, sort of skittering to a halt on the pavement. It sat for just a few seconds, then took off again. It had to work to get airborne again, and so for a chunk of time was flying right about the level of Drake's eyes. He didn't even try to sneak forward towards it. He just stared.

The eagles did one more loop, a bit higher, and then they were gone. Drake, though, was hypersensitive to all noises, especially from the trees. Any creak of a tree branch and he was on it!

Two eagles!


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