Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Meeting of the Mutts

Drake has to have surgery soon, and he'll be doing hydrotherapy afterwards, to rehab his leg. The head of the humane society was gracious enough to offer her old life jackets for Drake, so we went out to the shelter to get them today. This meant Drake got to be returning royalty for a bit, with the workers fawning over him.

It also meant that, just by chance, he got to meet Nalu, and I got to see him again before he left. Yes, Nalu is at long last in foster care. However, before he left, I walked into the lobby of the humane society. A worker warned me: "There's another dog in here. Nalu."

"Oh, Nalu." And we went in. Now, the non-workers there were a little scared by two male pit bulls in a small space, but I knew my boys. They pulled to get to each other, sniffing and playing, and in general had a good time.

Once we got them outside, I put Drake in the car, and turned back to Nalu. He rushed at me and lunged his front paws into the air, so he could hug me. He burrowed his snout into my belly, as if saying, "I’m not leaving."

He was, though. He had to, and unless we were going to adopt him, which we couldn't really do with Drake having the surgery, he was better off.

But my boys met, and Nalu is finally out of that box. That's a good day.


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