Saturday, May 30, 2009

bo, Bo, BO!

One of the nice things about volunteering at the humane society is watching the change in some of the dogs.

Take Bo, for example. I've walked him three times.

The first time, he'd just been brought to the shelter, less than 24 hours previously. He was a nice enough dog—polite, non-threatening, etc.—but clearly scared. He was also skeletal. You could count ribs and vertebrae by hand or eye. He didn't have much of a personality.

The second time, the folks at the humane society had been feeding him up for a while. His ribs were somewhat less visible, and his personality somewhat more so. Someone had donated some homemade dog biscuits. They were sitting in a big basket outside the office door. Bo picked one up and carried it proudly for almost a mile before suddenly eating it.

The third time, the ribs were definitely hidden (yes!) beneath fur, and Bo was actually outgoing—daring, even. Not far from the shelter there's a business with a large guard dog. This German Shepherd takes his guarding seriously. He sprints to the fence, fangs out, barking a clear warning. The first time we walked, Bo flinched away from him. The second time, Bo ignored him. The third time, Bo teased him, dancing on the other side of the fence and getting almost but not quite close enough to touch.

Go Bo!Greg

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