Saturday, August 1, 2009

After the Wedding

Last Sunday our daughter Beth got married. This meant that the week before was full of frantic preparations, and that the week since was full of aftermath, cleaning up, details, and hosting my parents.
And oh yes, trying to get back to a regular routine. Whew!

Drake was part of the burden, though a well-behaved part. That is to say, we had to take him to Tails-a-Wagging several days (which he loves!). We had to get dog sitters three other times—the rehearsal, and then two to split the day of the wedding.

The day of the wedding we left him with neighbors who he loves. He loves the mom, dad, and little boy, and they have chocolate lab, and that means Drake's in heaven. Even with that, though, he tried to follow me when I left and pouted afterwards.

It all worked out. He's very social, and had a blast with all of his friends. However, by the end, he was pretty darn tired of having his routine disrupted. He was very clingy/affectionate the first days after everyone was gone, and he's remained so. It is as if he was a little afraid he was going back to the shelter, what with all the time away from us. Now, though, he's all the more loving.


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