Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Are Either of These Collars His?

Yesterday, Drake had a Tails Day. This meant he went to Tails a Wagging doggy day care. Many of the folks who take their dogs to Tails do it so their dogs aren't home alone all day. Since I work from home, that's not an issue. We take Drake to Tails because he's so incredibly social that it is a treat for him. He loves other dogs, and this gives him a chance to spend the whole day playing with them.

Tails is a fine establishment. It's a fine blend of caring and professional, and they really accept the dogs for who they are. Here's an example. Yesterday when I picked up Drake, Angi, the owner, brought him out from the back wearing two collars: his own blue one, and a wider one that was bright pink.

"Are either of these collars his?" Angi asked.

"Yes, the blue one is," I said.

"Okay!" Angi started taking off the pink collar.

As she did, I asked, "Why is he wearing two collars?"

"Oh, we often put two or three collars on Drake."

"Um, why?"

"Protection. All the puppies chew on him, and he won't ever push them away, so the extra collars give him some protection."


That's Drake all over. He loves dogs, but he's especially good with little puppies. He gentles his play style, and is very patient. He just lays there and several puppies will be gnawing on him at the same time. He's a fairly muscular adult pit bull…but so patient with the pups that he has to wear three collars to keep his fur intact.

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